Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Home Again

I have been home for a few days now and yes, to answer everyone's question, jetlag kicked my butt.  My brain has felt a bit scrambled and all I can think is I'm getting old!

That didn't keep me from missing India though.  I left with the same feeling as my last trip, a bit of a tug at my heart longing for that same sense of warmth and closeness that comes so easily with the Indian people.  Again, asking the same questions to myself, who will know if something happened to me? Why do I work so hard and spend so little time cultivating relationships with those, friends and family that I love so dearly?  What has happened to us in this modern day where we pride ourselves in being technologically advanced?  Where our main means of connecting is social media and phone texting?  And what can I do to change this?

I don't have answers right now, perhaps because I am still trying to get my bearings.  One BIG memo to myself for my next trip back, stay longer in India at least long enough to get over the jetlag while I am there before getting hit with it so soon back home!

Aside from my personal bemoaning, I have had a lot of time to think about my trip.  Again, I had left with many intentions to blog daily but got swamped with teaching, training and treating mixed with Ujwala's almost daily meals celebrating Ganpati.  This trip was definitely different from my last trip in the main vein that I felt that I was coming back home.  I knew better what was expected of me and who I would be meeting.

My goals were different too.  In the last year I had been working hard to pull together the foundations for Humanitarian Acupuncture Project (HAP) as part of the U.S. branch of Barefoot Acupuncturists.  This trip served as the glue to finally complete the details to forge the bond between the organizations.

On my last trip I fell in love with the Indian organization and made up my mind that I would do what I could to help even though I couldn't physically be there as a volunteer on a daily basis.  People have asked me many times, why are you doing this and why this particular country/ organization?  It is too much of a cliche to say "I want world peace".  I will list below the strengths that I observed working with Barefoot Acupuncturists.
  • Walter Fischer who is the founder and president is meticulous and passionate about the quality of the care that is given in the clinics.  I am certain that without his leadership the clinics would flounder.  I was again impressed with his unified vision for building a viable model for humanitarian work that is self sufficient and effective.  
  • The team that has come together consisting of local people is remarkable in their desire and commitment to social work.  Not only do they want to help the people but their interest in furthering their skills by observing foreign seasoned acupuncturists and resuming studies is apparent in their work.  
  • As depressed communities, the slums of India are unique.  I have never felt threatened once walking down the streets on my own.  The people here are gentle and of usual happy disposition. Such a remarkable difference from even the ghettos here in the US.  This is important for me to understand as part of HAP is to educate prospective volunteers from the States and know that they will be safe. 
  • On a final note, I feel that it is our professional and personal responsibility, once we have reached a certain level of comfort to give back to the people who are not as fortunate.  This project is the best of both worlds in that I am able to utilize my skills in TCM and on a global scale.  The experience of helping people in such a unbiased way is bliss beyond verbal expression.  Also, I feel that what we can offer here is something truly lasting and beautiful in its solid growth and development.  And certainly a culmination of many years of hard work and struggle to understand a trade that is valuable in the daily lives we can touch. 
As the Indians say, Namaste....


Acupuncture 4 Humanity said...

kudo to your work . walter fisher and his team are doing real humanitarian job in india. keep it up

Unknown said...

I am so happy to hear you have found and are following your bliss. It sounds like truly wonderful work. Namaste.

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